No Matter How Bad Your Day Was…

…It Wasn’t This Bad

Archive for the 'NMHB' Category

Did you know content on the internet is “public domain”?

I sure didn’t till I read this heartwarming account from Monica Gaudio. So apparently Cooks Source thinks they can copy someone’s article, “edit” it, and then post it in their FOR PAY magazine without anyone noticing. And they’ve done it myriad times before, too (by their own admission). All Monica asked was for them to [...]

Granny liked violets? How nice.

You don’t? Oops! Seems that Grandma Marge’s favorite flower was a violet. After her death, some of her ashes were planted into a violet in honor of her. And a few days ago, she was sold at a yard sale. Read the whole story.

If you gotta go, you might as well screw up everyone else’s day, too

Apparently Pennsbury PA is a prime place for a perturbed person to perpetrate perishing. ‘Cheryl Whiteley, who moved to the neighborhood two years ago, said it usually is quiet. “This is the most activity I’ve ever seen here,” she said. “I just wish they would tell us what’s going on.”‘ Another neighbor, Raymond Heller ‘who [...]

Hungary for a bad time

From Reuters.. A toxic red sludge spill from an alumina plant in western Hungary reached the Danube river on Thursday and crews were trying to dilute it to protect the major European waterway. Tibor Dobson, a spokesman for Hungarian disaster crews, said there were no reports of fish death in the Raba and Mosoni-Danube rivers [...]

Honey, did you pay that bill I put on your desk?

The South Fulton Fire Department responded to a call in the County, putting out one fire, but letting another house burn to the ground because the Cranick family didn’t renew their 75 dollar fire service subscription. “This tragedy was not the fault of the South Fulton Fire Department or the City of South Fulton, but [...]

Jack o’ lanterns try escape their fate

The owner of a farm in Newbury, Vt., says drenching rains washed as many as 100,000 pumpkins into the Connecticut River. The pumpkins had been picked and were waiting to be shipped when storms hit the area during the weekend. Estimated the total loss at 100,000 pumpkins. About 4,000 made it at least 25 miles [...]

What does happen when in irresistable force meets and immovable object?

Well, in the case of freight train vs tornado, it’s tornado 1, freight train 0. The AP reports on this. “Two tornadoes touched down in northern Arizona early Wednesday, derailing 28 cars of a parked freight train, blowing semis off the highway and smashing out the windows of dozens of homes.” Fortunately, the two crew [...]

Someone’s Career Hopes Just Came Crashing Down Around Them

I think I can safely say that just watching this forklift accident video is enough to convince me that I’ve never actually had a bad day at work, I just thought I had, until now. The cringe factor on this one is high, but thankfully at least it looks like no one was hurt (I [...]

Well, That Socks

Today’s entry is a special for all the dog owners out there. I think we’ve all had our dogs eat something they weren’t supposed to, destroy a treasured possession we thought was out of reach, or otherwise make a mess in the house. However, I think Kevin Koritza gets the prize (or more accurately, his [...]

Tragedy Befalls Woman’s 30-Year Effort to “Claw” Her Way Into The Record-books

I think it’s safe to say that whatever happened to you today, you didn’t lose your nearly 28.5-foot-long fingernails in a car crash. Wait, what? Lee Redmond, of Salt Lake City, Utah, had grown her nails for 30 years when the accident happened in February this year. [...] The 68-year-old great-grandmother had nurtured her nails [...]